Shipment Table - Column Set Up/Sorting

Shipment Table - Column Set Up/Sorting in MVMNT

This Article, I will take you through how to set up your MVMNT TMS Shipment view to allow for quick access to all information

Adding/Reordering Columns

  • The MVMNT TMS Shipment View opens with the default column categories of your most important load information.

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  • We know that each broker is unique in their own way, so we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to add or remove any columns they deem necessary to have the cleanest access to your data

  • If you click on the table icon all the way to the right, you will open MVMNT’s Column chooser function. Here you can scroll through and add or remove anything you want.

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  • Once you’ve selected all of your wanted columns, the shipment board will automatically reflect your selections.

  • If you want to reorder the columns, you can click and drag each column into the position you prefer

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  • You also have the ability to sort any of the columns by clicking on the respective title. They are able to be sorted by ascending or descending order (or by date for those applicable).

  • When your board is set, you can click the save icon and name and save your board view

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    • You can create as many variations as you’d like. All will be available to be selected from the drop down menu to the left of ‘save’