Creating an Order in MVMNT
To create a New Order you can navigate to
Orders in the Left Menu Panel and Click + New Order
Customers in the Left Menu Panel , Select a Customer and Click Create Order
You will then be directed into our Order Entry form
Adding in the Equipment info
Specify what is required (van, reefer, FB) and the length
If there are any additional requirements or equipment needed check the boxes that apply
This will be reflected on the Rate con/BOL
Adding Your Existing Stops
If your stop is one you’ve used prior, select it from the drop down and the info will populate
Adding a new Stop
Begin typing the address. Once it auto populates click on it to
Everything except the Location Name should be filled out
Choose the appointment type, Strict or FCFS
Add in any relevant contact information for any of your facility contacts
All Fields are not required, fill out as you see necessary
You are able to set a specific contact as primary
They will show up on the rate con associated with the stop
Note any other facility requirements (ie. lumper, driver assist, drop trailer)
Put any relevant notes about this facility in the notes section
Set Operating Hours of the facility
You are able to choose what days they are open
Then input the operating hours as necessary
Adding Shipment Contents
Fill out the info as needed
Weight and Cargo value are the most important ones
If there are specific freight requirements, click all that apply
You also have the ability to add freight in greater detail by clicking the “add freight” button in yellow
Once selected, the Description, Type, Quantity, and weight are all required
From there you can continue to fill out any other info you deem necessary
Once finished click ‘add item’ and the freight will be added to your order
Filling out the Financials
This is where you add the $$ for your load
Select the charge code (line haul, Fuel surcharge) and add in the value
You can also select specialized charge codes as well
Out of route miles, layover, Stop off etc
Set your top spend on the order
This is for internal use only and will not be reflected on the rate con or BOL
Additional References
Any other numbers associated with this order can be added here from the drop down. If there is nothing else, then leave it blank
Broken out by Internal and External
Internal Notes will NOT show up on Rate Con/BOL